
Install bknd as a dependency:

Serve the API

Create a new api splat route file at app/routes/api.$.ts:

// app/routes/api.$.ts
import { serve } from "bknd/adapter/remix";

const handler = serve({
   connection: {
      type: "libsql",
      config: {
         url: "http://localhost:8080"

export const loader = handler;
export const action = handler;

For more information about the connection object, refer to the Setup guide.

Now make sure that you wrap your root layout with the ClientProvider so that all components share the same context:

// app/root.tsx
export function Layout(props) {
   // nothing to change here, just for orientation
   return (
      <html>{/* ... */}</html>

// add the api to the `AppLoadContext`
// so you don't have to manually type it again
declare module "@remix-run/server-runtime" {
   export interface AppLoadContext {
      api: Api;

// export a loader that initiates the API
// and pass it through the context
export const loader = async (args: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
   const api = new Api({
      host: new URL(args.request.url).origin,
      headers: args.request.headers

   // get the user from the API
   const user = api.getUser();

   // add api to the context
   args.context.api = api;

   return { user };

export default function App() {
   const { user } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
   return (
      <ClientProvider user={user}>
         <Outlet />

Enabling the Admin UI

Create a new splat route file at app/routes/admin.$.tsx:

// app/routes/admin.$.tsx
import { adminPage } from "bknd/adapter/remix";
import "bknd/dist/styles.css";

export default adminPage({
   config: { basepath: "/admin" }

Example usage of the API

Since the API has already been constructed in the root layout, you can now use it in any page:

// app/routes/_index.tsx
import type { LoaderFunctionArgs } from "@remix-run/server-runtime";
import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";

export const loader = async (args: LoaderFunctionArgs) => {
   const { api } = args.context;

   // get the authenticated user
   const user = api.getAuthState().user;

   // get the data from the API
   const { data } = await"todos");
   return { data, user };

export default function Index() {
   const { data, user } = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();

   return (
         <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>
         <pre>{JSON.stringify(user, null, 2)}</pre>