Remix SSR support is currently limited.


Install bknd as a dependency:

Serve the API

Create a new api splat route file at app/routes/api.$.ts:

// app/routes/api.$.ts
import { serve } from "bknd/adapter/remix";

const handler = serve({
   connection: {
      type: "libsql",
      config: {
         url: "http://localhost:8080"

export const loader = handler;
export const action = handler;

For more information about the connection object, refer to the Setup guide.

Enabling the Admin UI

Create a new splat route file at app/routes/admin.$.tsx:

// app/routes/admin.$.tsx
import { Suspense, lazy, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import "bknd/dist/styles.css";

const Admin = lazy(() => import("bknd/ui")
   .then((mod) => ({ default: mod.Admin })));

export default function AdminPage() {
   const [loaded, setLoaded] = useState(false);
   useEffect(() => {
   }, []);
   if (!loaded) return null;

   return (
         <Admin withProvider />