
Install bknd as a dependency:

The guide below assumes you’re using Astro v4. We’ve experienced issues with Astro DB using v5, see this issue.

For the Astro integration to work, you also need to add the react integration:

npx astro add react

You also need to make sure to set the output to hybrid in your Astro config:

// astro.config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import react from "@astrojs/react";

export default defineConfig({
   output: "hybrid",
   integrations: [react()]

If you don’t want to use React with Astro, there is also an option to serve the bknd Admin UI statically using Astro’s middleware. In case you’re interested in this, feel free to reach out in Discord or open an issue on GitHub.

Serve the API

Create a new catch-all route at src/pages/api/[...api].ts:

import { serve } from "bknd/adapter/astro";

export const prerender = false;

export const ALL = serve({
   connection: {
      type: "libsql",
      config: {
         // location of your local Astro DB
         // make sure to use a remote URL in production
         url: "file:.astro/content.db"

For more information about the connection object, refer to the Setup guide. In the special case of astro, you may also use your Astro DB credentials since it’s also using LibSQL under the hood. Refer to the Astro DB documentation for more information.

Enabling the Admin UI

Create a new catch-all route at src/pages/admin/[...admin].astro:

import { Admin } from "bknd/ui";
import "bknd/dist/styles.css";

import { getApi } from "bknd/adapter/astro";

const api = getApi(Astro, { mode: "dynamic" });
const user = api.getUser();

export const prerender = false;

         withProvider={{ user }}
            basepath: "/admin",
            color_scheme: "dark",
            logo_return_path: "/../"

Example usage of the API

You use the API in both static and SSR pages. Just note that on static pages, authentication might not work as expected, because Cookies are not available in the static context.

Here is an example of using the API in static context:

import { getApi } from "bknd/adapter/astro";
const api = getApi(Astro);
const { data } = await"todos");

   { => (

On SSR pages, you can also access the authenticated user:

import { getApi } from "bknd/adapter/astro";
const api = getApi(Astro, { mode: "dynamic" });
const user = api.getUser();
const { data } = await"todos");

export const prerender = false;

   ? <p>Logged in as <b>{}</b>.</p>
   : <p>Not authenticated.</p>}
   { => (

Check the astro repository example for more implementation details or a fully working example using Astro DB.