To start using the bknd API, start by creating a new API instance:

import { Api } from "bknd/client";

const api = new Api();

// always make sure to verify auth
await api.verifyAuth();

The Api class is the main entry point for interacting with the bknd API. It provides methods for all available modules described below.


You can initialize an API instance by providing the Request object, or manually specifying the details such as host and token.

Using the Request object

The recommended way to create an API instance is by passing the current Request object. This will automatically point the API to your current instance and extract the token from the headers (either from cookies or Authorization header):

import { Api } from "bknd/client";

// replace this with the actual request
let request: Request;

const api = new Api({ request });

If the authentication details are contained in the current request, but you’re hosting your bknd instance somewhere else, you can specify a host option:

import { Api } from "bknd/client";

// replace this with the actual request
let request: Request;

const api = new Api({
   host: "https://<your-endpoint>",

Using the token option

If you want to have an API instance that is using a different token, e.g. an admin token, you can create it by specifying the host and token option:

import { Api } from "bknd/client";
const api = new Api({
   host: "https://<your-endpoint>",
   token: "<your-token>"

Using a local API

In case the place where you’re using the API is the same as your bknd instance (e.g. when using it embedded in a React framework), you can specify a fetcher option to point to your bknd app. This way, requests won’t travel over the network and instead processed locally:

import type { App } from "bknd";
import { Api } from "bknd/client";

// replace this with your actual `App` instance
let app: App;

const api = new Api({
   fetcher: app.server.request as typeof fetch,
   // specify `host` and `token` or `request`

Data (

Access the Data specific API methods at

data.readMany([entity], [query])

To retrieve a list of records from an entity, use the readMany method:

const { data } = await"posts");

You can also add additional query instructions:

const { data } = await"posts", {
   limit: 10,
   offset: 0,
   select: ["id", "title", "views"],
   with: ["comments"],
   where: {
      title: "Hello, World!",
      views: {
         $gt: 100
   sort: { by: "views", order: "desc" }

The with property automatically adds the related entries to the response.

data.readOne([entity], [id])

To retrieve a single record from an entity, use the readOne method:

const { data } = await"posts", 1);

data.createOne([entity], [data])

To create a single record of an entity, use the createOne method:

const { data } = await"posts", {
   title: "Hello, World!",
   content: "This is a test post.",
   views: 0

data.updateOne([entity], [id], [data])

To update a single record of an entity, use the updateOne method:

const { data } = await"posts", 1, {
   views: 1

data.deleteOne([entity], [id])

To delete a single record of an entity, use the deleteOne method:

const { data } = await"posts", 1);

Auth (api.auth)

Access the Auth specific API methods at api.auth. If there is successful authentication, the API will automatically save the token and use it for subsequent requests.


To retrieve the available authentication strategies, use the strategies method:

const { data } = await api.auth.strategies();

auth.login([strategy], [input])

To log in with a password, use the login method:

const { data } = await api.auth.login("password", {
   email: "...",
   password: "..."

auth.register([strategy], [input])

To register with a password, use the register method:

const { data } = await api.auth.register("password", {
   email: "...",
   password: "..."

To retrieve the current user, use the me method:

const { data } = await;